Moss Municipality
A Community Created Identity


Graphic & Digital Design


What happens when the inhabitants become a part of creating their municipality's visual identity? Following the merger of Norwegian municipalities Moss and Rygge in 2019, the work on a new visual identity for the new Moss Municipality was initiated.

The new identity is driven by an ambition to reduce the distance between the municipality and its inhabitants, and to build a brand that everyone in Moss felt ownership towards. Thus, the process held a strong emphasis on involving citizens and politicians in all parts of the design process.

Technical details

Visual Identity, Digital & Creative Tech, Books, Print & Publications
Digital Design Manual

A collective effort

An important part of the delivery was a digital tool in which the citizens of Moss can influence the identity by making their own unique illustrations. Within the strict yet highly flexible visual system the illustrations create the basis for all communication coming from the municipality, in both printed and digital form.

A universal, playful framework

The design system is based on the interaction between simple geometric shapes. A universal, recognizable language available across age and background, serves as the basic element of everything from web pages and print communications, to work clothes and cars.

With the constant development of new illustrations, the identity will evolve over time and with the people who use it.

Easier communication with all inhabitants

In the redesign of the aim was to give the digital platform a friendlier voice and by that decrease the distance between the municipality and the inhabitants.
