Are PV panels all that is needed to run the system?

We are answering all of your questions about Vertikal Nydalen.

1 When you say that the angled façade creates pressure differences that enable air to move through the building. Is decreasing floor plate inducing air movement? How does it affect the stack effect or buoyancy?

Yes, decreasing floor plates, meaning that the building has a cone shape, enable the wind to increase its velocity on the outside and thereby also help/enhance the natural ventilation strategy.

2 How is the opening of two windows induced/controlled? Is it connected with the fact that the air enters through valves in the facade, which open and close as needed? So, is a building automation system controlling all natural systems?

There are censors inside the office areas that measures the air quality and temperature at all times. These sensors are communicating with outdoor sensors and there is a computer system calculating which windows to open and for how long. The provider of the system is called

3 It sounds lovely that the building has a triple zero solution. But the expected level of energy consumption in kWh/sqm/year may convince skeptics. Are PV panels all that is needed to run the system?

Yes, PV panels are all that is needed to run the heat pump adjusting the water temperature from the geothermal wells. This is a theoretical calculation, so in real life we purchase energy during the winter and produce eccess energy in the summer. This is due to dark and cold winters in the area. Energy numbers can be provided upon request.

4 Are the sloping walls concrete, or just the core and slabs? If so, great, that is how we used to build buildings before mechanical systems took over.

Just the core and slabs are concrete, the sloping walls are timber construction.

What is unique about this building is not the concrete core and slabs, but how this and other features together optimize the building's natural ventilation system.

5 How do you address the cold drafts during winter in naturally ventilated spaces?

The draft issue is addressed by the placement, design and opening interval of the hatches. Draft is not totally unavoidable. Experience from the first winter shows that if the incoming cold air is expected and lasts for a short (and certain) time, it is not considered annoyingly unpleasant.

To collect feedback that can help optimize the climate, sensors are placed throughout the areas, and all desks in the office spaces have QR codes that lead to an online register form where both positive remarks and criticism can be left. The programmed vents will be adjusted to optimize the perceived climate based on this combination of technical measurements and user-generated feedback.
